At Pro Tiler Tools we stock a variety of Kerakoll adhesive, including a large selection of the popular Kerakoll H40, such as Kerakoll H40 Gel Adhesive. Also known as H40 Gel, this adhesive is easy to apply and holds its shape supporting the weight of heavy tiles, making work on-site easier. Kerakoll H40 Ultimate combines excellent workability with a high degree of flexibility and deformation, ensuring reliability even on difficult-to-tile substrates. And lastly, Kerakoll H40 Advanced, the rapid setting, multipurpose gel-adhesive, that is structural, flexible, thixotropic & fluid for tiles and stones of all types and formats.
For extreme conditions, try out the highly deformable and workable hybrid gel-adhesive, Kerakoll H40 Extreme. You may also consider Kerakoll Keracem, our certified, eco-friendly, normal-setting, and quick-drying mineral hydraulic binder for high-performance screeds that is ideal for underfloor heating systems.
There are a lot of Kerakoll adhesives to choose from, so if you need any assistance with your order don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team for guidance, at 01604 859800.