On cementitious screeds, which are not subject to rising damp, but have a residual humidity content higher than the British Standards recommended 75% R.H. (BS8203) for laying resilient and wood flooring.
Some application examples:
• Consolidating cementitious screeds which are mechanically weak.
• Prior to laying wooden flooring, to prevent a failure due to excessive residual moisture in the cementitious screed.
Technical Characteristics:
Mapeproof 1K Turbo is a one-component polyurethane primer which hardens due to the humidity present in the surrounding air and in the screed.
Mapeproof 1K Turbo is characterised by its short set to light foot traffic period and that it quickly loses tackiness, so that wood flooring may be laid after a very short time (after approximately 2 hours in normal conditions of temperature and humidity).
Mapeproof 1K Turbo does not contain solvents, is odourless and is non-flammable.
Mapeproof 1K Turbo has a very low emission level of volatile organic compounds (EMICODE EC1 Plus).
Because of the total absence of solvents and odour, Mapeproof 1K Turbo may also be used on sites which are located close to inhabited areas (such as flats, schools, offices, etc.). After application and rapid curing of the resin, the substrate treated with Mapeproof 1K Turbo becomes more consistent, harder and resistant to abrasion.