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Ultra Floor Level It Multi Pro Semi-Rapid Two Part Smoothing Underlayment 20kg

Underfloor Heating Compatible

Priming Not Required*

Up To 45 Mins Working Time

Foot Traffic In As Little As 90 Minutes

Suitable For Depths Between 2-15mm

Coverage: Up To 1.1m² @ 15mm Thickness

Size: 20kg Bag & 5L Bottle

Product Code Price Quantity

£29.40 INC VAT

£24.50 EX VAT


UltraFloor Level IT Multi Pro is a rapid curing, high-performance free flowing two-part smoothing underlayment. It incorporates Envirobead® technology which is made with 20% recycled material for improved application and reduced environmental impact. It consists of a powdered component incorporating a blend of high-specification cements, graded fillers and additives and a pre-gauged high polymer content liquid component. UltraFloor Level IT Multi Pro is suitable for depths between 2-15mm.

- Specially formulated with 20% Envirobead® technology – a unique recycled material.
- Working time: up to 45 minutes.
- Foot traffic in as little as 90 minutes
- Ready to receive bonded floor coverings after 4 hours.
- Priming not required*
- Use over most common subfloors, including old adhesive residues.
- Moisture tolerant.
- UFH compatible.
- Low odour.
- Protein free.


Specification: BS EN 13813: 2002.
Screed Classification: CT-C12-F3.
Working Time At 20°C: Up To 45 Minutes.
Walk On Hardness Time At 20°C: 90-120 Minutes.
Ready To Receive Floor Coverings: 4 hours (based on 3mm application).
Compressive Strengths (BS EN 13892-2)
- 1 Day: >7.0N/mm².
- 7 Days: >11.0N/mm².
- 28 Days: >13.0N/mm².
Flexural Strengths (BS EN 13892-2):
- 1 Day: >2.0N/mm².
- 7 Days: >2.5N/mm².
- 28 Days: >3.0N/mm².
Packaging: 20kg Gag / 5-litre Bottle.
Storage & Shelf Life: 
- Powder: Store in a dry place at temperatures between 5°C and 30°C.
- Liquid: To be kept out of direct sunlight and should be stored at temperatures above 5°C at all times. If allowed to freeze, UltraFloor cannot guarantee product performance.
- 5m² @ 2-3mm Thickness.
- 2.5m² @ 5mm Thickness.
- 1.1m² @ 15mm Thickness.